Regexps and Parsing in FPGAs


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Subject: regular expression matching and parsing in FPGAs (was chess...)
Date: Fri, 24 Dec 1999 12:30:30 -0800

I'm not sure how regular expression matching and parsing relates to chess,
but these can of course be done at tremendous speeds in an FPGA.  Here are
some ideas.


A regular expression (including compositions of simpler REs) can be
implemented in hardware through these transformations:

1. convert the RE to an NFA (non-deterministic finite-state automaton)
2. convert the NFA to a DFA (deterministic FA) using the subset construction
3. implement the DFA as a one-hot FSM (finite state machine).

Here each state is a flip-flop.  Transitions between states are
combinatorial expressions of the states and the input.  If the input is
encoded, e.g. as 8-bit characters, there would probably be additional logic
to decode characters ('.') or character classes ([0123456789]).

This could consume one character per clock at 100-200 MHz.


A parser for a context-free grammar can be implemented in hardware through
these transformations.

1. derive LR-parser shift-reduce tables (actions, goto, etc.) from the CFG
2. implement the shift-reduce parsing algorithm approximately as:

  // types
  enum Token { term1, ..., nTerminals, nonterm1, ..., nTNT};
  enum State { s0, s1, ..., nStates };
  enum Prods { ..., nProds };
  enum Action { accept, error, shift, reduce1, reduce2, ... };

  // tables
  Action actions[nStates][nTNT];
  State goto[nStates][nTNT];
  Token lhs[nProds]; // token on lhs of production, e.g. X for X ::= Y1 ... Yn
  int rhs_len[nProds]; // length of rhs of production, e.g. n for above

  // shift-reduce parser
  State stack[]; // a stack of states
  int depth= 0; // index of top-of-stack
  State s = s0;
  stack[depth] = s;
  Token input = first token;
  repeat {
      Action a = actions[s][input];
      if (a == accept)
          stop, accept;
      else if (a == error)
          stop, error;
      else if (a == shift) {
          s = stack[++depth] = goto[s][input];
          input = next token;
      else if (a == reduce p) {
          s = stack[depth -= rhs_len[p]];
          s = stack[++depth] = goto[s][lhs[p]];

3. implement *that* in an FPGA:

For example, for parsing C, from off the top of my head,
  nStates < 256,
  nTNT < 128,
  nProds < 100,
  Stack depth <128.

So implement 'input' in a 7-bit-wide FIFO; 'stack' in a 128x8 SRAM; 'lhs' in
a 100x7 SRAM; 'rhs_len' in a 100x4 SRAM, and 'actions' and 'goto' in
external SSRAM (for C, they won't fit in a few block rams).  'Stack' is
indexed by depth; 'actions' by s and input; 'goto' by s and mux(input,
lhs[p]).  Implement depth in an accumulator (a 7-bit register + an adder of
+1 or - prod_size[p]).

Perhaps you could clock this parser at 100 MHz.  A pity that it is not easy
to pipeline the action and goto lookups.

So here's a sketch of an FCCM to syntax check a preprocessed C program.
Characters come in at 200 MHz to the lexical analyzer, which uses the RE
recognizer described above to deposit tokens into a FIFO.  The C parser
drains the FIFO, consuming a token approximately every few cycles at 100
MHz.  Overall the machine gobbles C code at 200 MB/s, or about 5 million
lines per second, and then either the green Accept LED or the red Error LED
lights up. :-)

(Interesting gedanken experiment but I'd rather do it in software, thanks.)

(I would be surprised if this (shift-reduce parsing in hardware) has not
been studied already.  Also, I wonder if there are alternative
implementations of the LR parser algorithm that can better use 1-hot
encodings.  The problem is the current state gets pushed and popped, and a
stack of 1-hot states is not very storage efficient; thus you'd have to
encode them into a binary representation and decode them back to a 1-hot

(I suppose there might be real-world applications of work like this in areas
like text classification and DNA sequencing.)

Ref: see e.g. Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools, Aho Sethi and
Ullman, or Crafting a Compiler, Fischer and LeBlanc.

Jan Gray

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