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Subject: Re: Microcomputer buses for use inside FPGA/ASIC devices?
Newsgroups: comp.arch.fpga
Date: Sat, 24 Jul 1999 21:36:20 -0700

Wade D. Peterson wrote in message <7ndpnl$pcu$1@news1.tc.umn.edu>...
>I'm working on a project where we're doing a microcomputer bus (kind of
>VMEbus or PCIbus) for use *INSIDE* of FPGAs and ASICs.  It's for hooking
>system-on-chip (SOC) components together.  If anyone has done this before,
>know of any references to this kind of project, I'd like to hear about it.

>If anybody knows of similar technology, I'd like to hear about it.  If
there are
>more, then my intention is to start a FAQ database on our website for all

My 1995 J32 system had a 32-bit on-chip peripheral bus.  The left 60% of the
XC4010 was a 32-bit RISC processor, using a 32-bit long line bus to
multiplex amongst the various execution stage results (including add/sub,
logic, 1-, 2-, 4-bit shifts left and right, load data, sign extension data,
return address).  This used approximately 16x11=176 TBUFs.

The right half of the XC4010 was a 32-bit long line peripheral bus.  It had
4 byte-wide lanes.  The processor was byte addressable with byte, 16-bit
halfword, and 32-bit word data types.

Call the processor result bus P[31:0], the peripheral data bus D[31:0], and
the external RAM data bus XD[31:0].  I used these sets of TBUFs: (approx.
144 TBUFs + 32 OBUFTs):

* store byte, halfword, word:
D[7:0] <- P[7:0],
D[15:8] <- P[15:8],
D[31:16] <- P[31:16]

* load byte, halfword, word:
P[7:0] <- D[7:0],
P[15:8] <- D[15:8],
P[31:16] <- D[31:16]

* store various byte lanes to external RAM (OBUFTs)
XD[7:0] <- D[7:0]
XD[15:8] <- D[15:8]
XD[23:16] <- D[23:16]
XD[31:24] <- D[31:24]

* load various byte lanes from external RAM
D[7:0] <- XD[7:0]
D[15:8] <- XD[15:8]
D[23:16] <- XD[23:16]
D[31:24] <- XD[31:24]

* copy bytes/halfwords to upper byte lanes
D[15:8] <- D[7:0]
D[23:16] <- D[7:0]
D[31:24] <- D[15:8]

* copy bytes from upper byte lanes
D[7:0] <- D[15:8]
D[7:0]] <- D[23:16]
D[15:8] <- D[31:24]

In case you are interested, here is some of the source code which generated
this.  It is my own "CNets HDL", a C++ class library for emitting XNF.  ff()
is a flip-flop, tbuf() is a tbuf.  Note the use of tlocs (LOCs for TBUFs).

void Mem::emit(Control& c) {
  net(zad24n) = adn(23,20) == 0U;
  net(zad20n) = adn(19,16) == 0U;
  ff(selROM, zad24n & zad20n, c.marce, _, init(1));
  ff(selRAM, ~adn[23] & ~(zad24n & zad20n), c.marce);

  ackROM = start & selROM;
  ack = ackROM | ackRAM | ackUART;

  for (unsigned i = 0; i < 4; i++)
    bytesel[i] = (byte & ad(1,0) == i) | (half & ad(1,1) == (i>>1)) | word;

  // processor to internal dbus interface
  ff(doutbytet, ~write, start, _, init(1));
  ff(douthalft, ~(write & (byte|half)), start, _, init(1));
  ff(doutwordt, ~(write & (byte|half|word)), start, _, init(1));

  // dbus internal/external interface:
  // emit 3state drivers to copy external dbus to/from internal dbus
  bus(dbusin, cbit);
  bus(dpads, cbit);
  for (i = 0; i < cbit; i++) {
    iopad(dpads[i], ploc(dpadlocs[i]));
    ibuf(dbusin[i], dpads[i]);
    unsigned t = 1 + even(i);
    tbuf(xd[i], dbusin[i], dinbyteextt[i / 8]);
    obuft(dpads[i], xd[i], doutextt);

  // byte/halfword load/store alignment logic
  ff(b1b0t, ~( write & byte & ad[0]),                     start, _, init(1));
  ff(b2b0t, ~( write & (byte|half) & ad(1,0) == 2),       start, _, init(1));
  ff(b3b1t, ~( write & ((byte&(ad(1,0)==3))|(half&ad[1]))), start, _, init(1));
  ff(b0b1t, ~(~write & byte & ad[0]),                     start, _, init(1));
  ff(b0b2t, ~(~write & (byte|half) & ad(1,0) == 2),       start, _, init(1));
  ff(b1b3t, ~(~write & ((byte&(ad(1,0)==3))|(half&ad[1]))), start, _, init(1));
  for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
    unsigned t = 1 + even(i);
    tbuf(xd[i+ 8], xd[i   ], b1b0t, tloc(rowForBit(i+ 8),20,t));
    tbuf(xd[i+16], xd[i   ], b2b0t, tloc(rowForBit(i+16),20,t));
    tbuf(xd[i+24], xd[i+ 8], b3b1t, tloc(rowForBit(i+24),19,t));
    tbuf(xd[i   ], xd[i+ 8], b0b1t, tloc(rowForBit(i   ),19,t));
    tbuf(xd[i+ 8], xd[i+24], b1b3t, tloc(rowForBit(i+ 8),18,t));
    tbuf(xd[i   ], xd[i+16], b0b2t, tloc(rowForBit(i   ),17,t));

The on-chip "peripherals were a UART and on-chip RAM and ROM, enough to boot
and print a "hello world" message.  There was also an integrated DRAM

You can see a floorplan of this at

Old articles which touched on this subject:

Recently I designed another on-chip bus with particular
CPU-to-bus-controller and bus-controller-to-peripheral interfaces.  Please
write me for more information.

Jan Gray

Subject: Re: Microcomputer buses for use inside FPGA/ASIC devices?
Newsgroups: comp.arch.fpga
Date: Sat, 24 Jul 1999 21:48:41 -0700

I wrote:
>...The left 60% of the XC4010 was a 32-bit RISC processor.
>...This used approximately 16x11=176 TBUFs.

Sigh.  Rather, 32x11 = 352 TBUFs.

Jan Gray

Subject: Re: Microcomputer buses for use inside FPGA/ASIC devices?
Newsgroups: comp.arch.fpga
Date: Mon, 26 Jul 1999 21:34:30 -0700

Wade D. Peterson wrote in message <7nf1rv$5r$1@news1.tc.umn.edu>...
>1) When you say "on-chip peripheral bus" is this your terminology, or are
>refering to a so-called 'OPB' bus that I'm seeing on some cores?  For
example, I
>believe that ARM processors use something called an 'OPB' bus.

My terminology, just a descriptive phrase.  (It hosted on-chip memory
elements and peripheral elements and interfaced to off-chip memory.)

>2) Do you think your peripheral bus is portable across multiple FPGA
>architectures, or is it limited to Xilinx?

It is port-able, but not especially so, portability was not a design goal.

1. design tool: the CNets C++ class library, would need to be retargeted.
Easy for Orca or Virtex, somewhat less so for other families.

2. implementation: used generic logic expressions and flip-flops, but there
were lots of 3-state buffers, and the design was optimized using LOC
constraints that would not apply to a non-XC4000.

3. interfaces (signaling): would work unchanged across architectures.

(I do not propose the J32 bus for any purpose.  I thought it might of
historical interest.)

>> Old articles which touched on this subject:
>I tried these links, but they appear to be dead.

Try again!

>> Recently I designed another on-chip bus with particular
>> CPU-to-bus-controller and bus-controller-to-peripheral interfaces. ...
>Do you have anything written up on these.

Sorry, the docs are not yet ready for publication.  But I think some of the
design space issues are:

* zero, one, or more processors? on-chip or off-chip processor? :-)
* clocking -- do CPU clocks equal bus clocks?  1-1? 2-1? 1-2?
* processor has one memory port or two (Harvard)?
* one bus (share processor result bus with on-chip data bus) or two?
* any access to processor resources (e.g. reg file ports)?
* byte addressing? byte/halfword/word types?  byte-lane shifting?
* is the on-chip bus connected to an off-chip I/O or memory bus?  same
width?  same clock discipline?
* wait state insertion?
* multi-master? arbitration?
* interrupt requests?
* DMA requests?
* pipelined bus transactions?
* split transactions?

In my current work-in-progress, the bus is: 1-1 with on-chip CPU's clock,
Harvard, one bus, byte addressable, byte/16-bit-word data types, attached to
a double-cycled external data bus, with arbitrary wait-states, interrupts,
DMA, and pipelined bus transactions.

Other comments.

FPGA Device Architects: this on-chip bus stuff is so much easier if you
follow the XC4000 lead and provide the abstraction of long, wide,
partitionable buses with *abundant* 3-state drivers -- one per logic cell is
good.  The bus control itself can be built in programmable logic.

Finally, in designing a on-chip bus with an eye on standardization, note
some interesting design tensions:

1. malleable or fixed bus topologies and clocking disciplines? -- why not
take advantage of FPGA flexibility and define a general bus architecture
space, making allowance for one or more 8-, 16-, 32-, even arbitrary k-bit
buses, and other dimensions of the design space I described above?  Then
customers can specialize designs to suit.  -- Oops, that adds complexity and
makes validation much harder.

2. lightweight or heavyweight?  My current bus has a control overhead of ~2
CLBs per peripheral.  At the opposite extreme, imagine an on-chip PCI bus.
The latter would offer many features, like configuration registers, but
these would be of little value in a cheap SOC in an XCS10XL or 20XL.

I can't wait to see an on-chip bus standard (or standards) for FPGAs -- then
we might finally see a marketplace of plug-and-play processors and
peripherals cores.

Jan Gray

Copyright © 2000, Gray Research LLC. All rights reserved.
Last updated: Feb 03 2001